Beauty and comfort: 8 tips to help you find the best pair of shoes
Men always wonder why women try on one pair of shoes after another and take so much time to decide what to buy. But we know how important it is to find not only stylish looking shoes, but also feel comfortable wearing them all throughout the day. After all, women are aware that low-quality or simply wrong size shoes can ruin even the most amazing day.
A successful purchase of shoes is always a celebration for women. Although it is not that easy to find exactly what you like and at the same time have these shoes fit you perfectly. And how disappointing it can be when beautiful shoes literally fall apart after a couple of months. In this article, we have prepared several recommendations on how to choose the right pair of women’s shoes. Following these tips will help you keep your feet healthy and beautiful.
Rule #1 – Size matters
Buy shoes in accordance with the size of your foot or even one size bigger. If you buy shoes a size smaller, they will quickly lose their original shape and tighten all the unevenness of your feet. Small shoes may cause slowing of blood circulation, ingrown nails and toe curving. During the winter time, your feet will feel cold fasted if wearing tight shoes.
The toes should be evenly spread out so the entire arch of the foot receives an even weight. Of course, you don’t have to feel shoes slipping off your feet while walking. In this case, the muscles of the legs will always be in tension.

Measure your foot size
Rule #2 – Choose natural materials
The best footwear is the one made of natural materials. High-quality shoes allow your feet breathe and do not interfere with the natural heat exchange. Leather shoes immediately warm feet, while artificial materials keep them cold.
Real leather quickly absorbs moisture and darkens when wet. At the same time, faux leather is the worst option. It creates a greenhouse effect. You will be cold during the winter and hot in the summer. Faux leather hardens during the cold temperatures and often cracks. It also does not hold the shoe shape very well.

A leather shoe
Rule #3 – High-heels are that good for you
No doubt that woman’s high-heel shoes always look stylish and feminine. But we still suggest choosing shoes with a small wide stable heel for an everyday wear. Constantly wearing very high-heel shoes may leave an impact on your health. In this position, the weight of the body is distributed unevenly and contrary to the human physiology. Some parts of the foot receive too much pressure, while others do not have enough. In addition, a high heel completely “detaches” the spring function of the foot.
When in the store, take a couple of minutes and walk around in the chosen shoes to understand how comfortable they are.

Be careful with high heels
Rule #4 – Be careful with pointed shoes
Another popular shoe design detail is pointed toe. These shoes look elegant, but at the same time are not the best in terms of health. Pointed shoes squeeze toes, shifting them towards each other. In this case, the little toe and the big toe are rising above all the other toes. This may lead to a further deformation and formation of painful calluses.
Due to the fact that the mass of your body pushes the foot into a wedge-shaped space, the entire weight transfers to the bones of the middle toes of your feet. As a result, a transverse flatfoot may appear.
Rule #5 – Shoe sole is as important as an insole
Always pay attention to the material of an insole. A good one should absorb odor well, remove excess moisture and destroy bacteria. High-quality footwear often has insoles saturated with special antibacterial agents. In addition, an insole made of natural material like leather or suede will protect your feet from irritation and painful blisters.
Also, feel the amortization. A foam or rubber layer can soften the impact of a hard surface on your feet, making the walking and standing process more comfortable. Notice any hidden inconvenience. Internal seams, pieces of rubber or leather that rub the back of the heel, can make even an attractive-looking pair of shoes unbearable to walk in.
Remember that good quality footwear has a very comfortable sole with plasticity features. Try to bend the shoe in your hands: the sole should bend freely and the top of the shoes should not deform as much.

A thick shoe sole
Rule #6 – Find a manufacturer that suits you
Let’s face it: most shoes are nowadays made in China. In order to make the price lower, leading brands transfer their manufacturing process to the countries with the cheapest labor and materials cost, namely to Turkey, Spain, Brazil and various Asian countries.
But don’t worry, the place of manufacture does not always reflect the quality of shoes. Most importantly whose technology was used and who is the developer of the last. Search for local manufacturers. Their shoes might not be worse than those famous brands offer. Just be more meticulous to your choice.
Rule #7 – Consider the time of purchase
By the end of the day, the legs usually swell a little and reach their maximum size. It is best to buy new shoes in the evening. If you try on a pair in the morning, it might not fit by the end of the day. Do not buy shoes hoping that they will stretch after a while. Wearing tight shoes will harm your feet.
You have to buy shoes that best match the shape of your foot. If you have a wide leg, you probably won’t be able to wear beautiful but tight shoes for a long time. Make sure that the widest part of the foot (the place where the foot bends, when you get on your toes) is comfortably placed inside the shoe.
Rule #8 – Check the packaging
Many of us neglect the look of the packaging, which is wrong. The quality footwear will always have their packaging precisely matches to the size of the product. Inside there should be a little booklet, in which the manufacturer informs about the shoe material and its cleaning options.

Pay attention to the packaging
Rule #9 – Smell the shoe
And the last rule of a successful shoe shopping is the smell. Good quality shoes do not stink with technical rubber or glue.